

尊敬的旅客: 旅客及船員的安全及健康一直是星夢郵輪的首要原則,自新型冠狀病毒疫情爆發以來,星夢郵輪一 直在密切監測事態發展,並緊密配合與響應各國政府為遏制疫情蔓延的各項措施。 此次疫情帶給了各行業前所未有的艱巨挑戰。

我们非常遗憾的通知您,受此影響,星夢郵輪亦被迫 取消旗下「探索夢號」2020 年 10 月 8 日至 2021 年 2 月 21 日出發之航次。

鑒於以上行程變更,感謝您的理解與體諒,我司特別爲已預訂「探索夢號」上述航次的旅客作出特 別安排:

  • 如果旅客希望改期出發,我司可將旅客已支付的費用(包括艙房費、港務費及已支付予星夢 郵輪之岸上觀光費用)轉爲信用額度,旅客可以此信用額度購買星夢郵輪旗下其他 2021 年 12 月 31 日前出發之航次(如新預訂航次之艙房費比原報名航次高,旅客必須補回艙房費差 價。原報名航次附贈之船上消費額將被取消。如新預訂航次之艙房費比原報名航次低,星 夢郵輪將退回差價)。爲表誠意,星夢郵輪將爲改期出發之旅客於新航次提供每房澳幣 250 元之船上消費額。此船上消费额將根據新航次郵輪所在母港采用貨幣作等值兌換,譬如於 「雲頂夢號」将兌換成等值新幣船上消费额供旅客使用。
  • 旅客如欲取消行程,我司亦可提供免費取消安排並退還已支付之費用(包括艙房費、港務費 和已支付予星夢郵輪之岸上觀光費用)。請聯絡原報名單位辦理退款安排。

請於 2020 年 4 月 8 日前聯絡原報名旅行社辦理相關改期或取消行程手續。

如以上措施爲您帶來不便,我們深感抱歉。星夢郵輪致力爲旅客提供優質郵輪體驗。我們將於船隊 維持最高的衛生及清潔標準及繼續留意情况,並將最新消息通知旅客。有關條款及細則詳情,請參 考行程的訂位確認單

Dear Guests,

In light of the global outbreak of COVID-19, Dream Cruises has been monitoring the situation and working closely with authorities to support all possible precautionary measures. As always, the health and safety of our guests and crew is our upmost priority.

Regretfully, these unprecedented circumstances have brought us to the difficult decision that we must cancel all cruise itineraries for Explorer Dream which were scheduled to depart between 8 October 2020 and 21 February 2021.We are deeply saddened by this decision however we must take these extraordinary precautionary measures in order to limit the spread of the virus.

Affected guests originally booked on Explorer Dream’s cruises during this period may choose to cancel their cruise and receive a future cruise credit in the amount of paid cruise fare, port charges, gratuities and any pre-booked Dream Cruises shore excursions, to be used towards any future Dream Cruises voyage departing before 31 December 2021. If the new cruise fare is lower than the original, the difference will be refunded.

If the new cruise fare is higher than the original, guests will be required to top up the price difference. Any onboard credits which may have been applied to their original cruise booking will be cancelled.

As a gesture of goodwill, Dream Cruises will offer an onboard credit of AUD250 per cabin for any guests who choose to take a future cruise credit. This onboard credit will be converted to the onboard currency according to the vessel’s designated homeport of the future cruise booking. For example, Singapore Dollar (SGD) for Genting Dream that is homeported in Singapore.

Alternatively, guests can choose a full refund of paid cruise fare, port charges, gratuities and any pre-booked Dream Cruises shore excursions. Please contact your original booking office for further arrangements.

On behalf of Dream Cruises, we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused and we thank you in advance for your kind understanding and support in light of these unforeseen circumstances.

Please contact your original booking office by 8 April 2020 for available options. Notice no: 20201008 – 20210221 COVID-19 – EDR cancel

Dream Cruises would like to reiterate that it maintains the highest preventative hygiene and sanitation standards on board its fleet and is committed to safeguarding the health of all guests and crew. Should there be any new developments; updates will be provided to our guests and relevant parties accordingly